Their service deserves a six. I was very satisfied with them. The young man that put in my new bath was very conscientious and a steady worker. He finished it a day longer than I was told, but that was not his fault. He had to wait on a building inspector to come and inspect it, and that threw him behind. He still finished in the same number of days he told me, though. You know, I expect those things.
I was pleased with the new bath. I love it. I've got a bad back and bad knees, and I had a shower with no bars. To get in and out was a challenge, and I'd look for any excuse not to take a shower. Now I can slide the door open, step in, grab the bar, and I'm steady on my feet. I'm 89 years old, I expect that, but now I don't look for an excuse not to take a shower; I kind of look forward to it.