Fee-Only Financial and Investment Advisors. R. E. WACKER ASSOCIATES,INC. does not sell any investment or insurance products,and neither our firm nor any of our advisors receive commissions from persons sponsoring investments,other advisors,originators,syndicators,or distributors. Our only compensation is the fees we receive from our clients,and our only allegiance is to their best interests. We have chosen to practice this way not only to avoid the conflict of interest inherent in a situation where an advisor gets paid based upon sales production,but also because we know we can better enhance our client`s long-term financial security and do it more cost-effectively working in a fiduciary capacity as a fee-only advisory firm. R. E. WACKER ASSOCIATES,INC. offers financial and investment advisory and management services for the expressed purpose of achieving our client`s financial needs and objectives,which always come first. Toward that end,our services are designed to provide the level and scope of expertise and co nsideration that each client's situation requires,in a clearly defined relationship that fits the needs and comfort level of the client,by a method that eliminates sales commissions and other conflicts of and to do so at a cost structure and interest,yet provides a fair and effective cost/benefit relationship for both our clientsand ourselves.