If you are here it's because you care about they way you look. I do too! I am Trish, the owner & operator of Razor's Edge. With over 25-years of experience in the Winter Park/Altamonte Springs area of Central Florida helping others just like you look and feel their best I know we can do it for you as well. Call now for the free initial consultation and begin the journey to feeling better about yourself. Whether it's hair replacement, hair restoration, styling, extensions or wigs I have helped both women and men look their best. And that to me is what Razor Edge is all about - YOU looking and feeling better. Hair Replacement/Restoration Custom Hair Pieces Hair Programs Extensions Wigs & Much More Call Trish Free Initial Consultation Private Rooms 25 Years Exp visit our website at http://tlwalker001.wix.com/razorsedgecfl#!. Hair Replacement