After my warranty period ended this year, I have been in a casual search of a new service center. When my check engine light had been going on and off for a couple weeks, this forced me to do some serious research. After finding Rays in the local chapters newsletter, I was able to get my car in the next day. After talking with Rays wife, she speculated it was probably a camshaft sensor failure. Then, Ray and I chatted before about what the possible problem was and the computer confirmed the possibility! So 45 minutes later and $350 lighter, it was done and the light hasnt returned. I was in and out in about an hour and a half (ate lunch and read my Roundel). I cant imagine how long it would have been at the dealership. To top it off, Ray gave me a lovely parting gift: a nice coffee cup and they do have a referral bonus ($10 but its nice though nonetheless. I cant recommend Rays more highly.