Food Network needs to snatch this chef up pronto. I can't remember when I have had so much fun.
We were doing an improv with food. Everyone came to class with a couple of things they wanted to learn to cook with.
Chef comes up with a great sounding menu, stuff I would not have thought of.
I am a vegetarian, someone else has celiac and in like 5 seconds the recipes are adjusted.
So we are all cooking away drinking wine and having a fine time and the food appears to be totally coming together when this huge bottle of red food coloring comes crashing down on the chef's head.
Looked like a murder scene, Red EVERYWHERE.
He was totally COOL, posed for a few photos with a knife and then ran to wash his eyes out.
Came back with stained skin and clothes soaked, wiped up as much red as he could and continued like nothing had happened.
Kept a totally cool head and we were dining like 5 minutes later.
Roast Asparagus
Stuffed Clams
Eggplant Barley soup
Salad with warm beet dressing
Thai basil tofu
...and a few things I am forgetting.
If that had happened to Gordon Ramsey it would have been a shout match. He never skipped a beat.
oh yea....and we learned a ton and the food was awesome.