What is HCG? It's not a band-aid, it's a cure! HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a naturally-occurring hormone in both men and women, but it is produced in abundance in pregnant woman. The hormone's fat burning properties were first discovered by Dr. ATW Simeons in the 1950s. Since then, the hormone has been used as a miracle cure for obesity, warding off diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. HCG works by releasing stored, abnormal fat cells, reshaping the appearance of your thighs, hips, waist and buttocks while recalibrating your metabolism. You will not experience muscle loss or skin folds. HCG is not a weight loss drug nor does it cause fat loss by itself. Used in conjunction with an ECL diet (extremely low calorie), HCG triggers the destruction of abnormal fat cells, allowing it to be metabolized for body energy. By flushing the fat cells out of the body, you are melting away pounds and inches of fat Is It Safe? You re probably asking yoursel f if it s this easy, can it be safe, too? Absolutely! Give us a call our see our website for more information.MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:00AM-6:00PM
What is you had a miracle rememdy to remove fat FAST? And FOREVER? Rapid Body Reducers is not just a miracle but instead a simple three-step reality that helps blast those fat cells, melting pounds and destroying inches permanently. No more calorie counting! No more going to crowed gyms! No more embarrassing numbers on the scale! The average weight loss of an HCG dieter during this process is 3/4 to 1 pound per day. The RAPID BODY REDUCERS solution is: Simple, Inexpensive, Fast, Permanent, Natural and most importantly, SAFE. This process safely uses HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). Give us a call or see our website for more information. How do I get Started? Our HCG process is directed by a physician, and is simple to maintain. Come is for a cost free consultation where a trained professional will record your weight, body mas index (BMI) and other vital statistics. Your consultant will assess your overall health and determine if you are an appropiate candidate for Rapid Bod y Reducers' HCG treatment. Once you are prescribed the HCG by Dr. Hall, our physician, you will be intructed on how to use HCG. See our website.