I went into this first car search kinda excited because it was my first car and i wanted it now! So we kinda rushed into getting a car because me and my mother didnt have time to wait. At first all we heard about Randy's Used Cars was amazing things even while we were there the people who walked in said he was great. I want to start by saying hes a great guy but a horrible business men. I told him in coming to him that i had NO money to spend on major repairs on a car. Gas oil changes and the other upkeep stuff i could handle. So he got me a 1999 grand am. Plenty went wrong with that car within the first week i had it. Heat didnt work, needed new tires, temp gauge was broken, battery was a piece of crap, would act like i was pushing on the gas pedal when i really wasnt (NOW THAT WAS SCARY!). So they did the right thing and took it back and gave me a 1999 Chevy Lumina. This car has been semi decent until a couple months ago. I have bought about 30 bottles of coolant since i got this car (beginning of september) I took it into the shop to see what the hell was wrong with it because i could go through a full tank of coolant within 4 hours of my car just sitting at my house. The radiator needed to be replaced (209.00 for the part) and also the heater hose from the thermostat to the heater core needed to be replaced (29.30 for the part). In all including labor cost was a total of 553.88 dollars. I came home this past tuesday (1-10-12) after picking up my car from the shop i checked the coolant and made sure to fill it up to what it needed to be. Today(1-16-12) i picked up my boyfriend from work and my car started to overheat. I do not just blame Randy for selling me this piece of crap I also blame the shop where i went to get this fixed however i wouldnt of had to spend all this money on top of the money i spent to BUY this car if he didnt sell it to me. I will NEVER recommend going to Randy's used car dealership to anyone who wants to have a working car with no major repairs within the first year you have a car. I will never go back to them for ANYTHING.