If you want to be overcharged, call Randy May Electric. Two months ago I had to replace an exhaust fan over the stove. The electrician from Randy May removed the defective motor and said he would try to find a new one. After a couple of weeks I received a call saying they could not locate another motor like the one I had. Then I received a bill for $280. I expected to be charged a resonable amount but not to be gouged for nothing. I paid my bill and took the defective motor back to GA where my electrician located a new one on the internet and had it shipped to me in three days. I had asked Randy May if I did find a new motor what they would charge to install it and was told it would be a minimum of $150 besides the $280 I had already paid. My husband, who is definitely not an electrician, installed the new motor within 5 minutes and it was working properly. I hope you don't make the same mistake that I made and call Randy May Electric to work for you.