When a mysterious rash apeared on my legs, accompanied by a cough, I decided to go to the closest Emergency room, which was Randolph Hospital. When I go there there was one person in with the triage nurse, so I sat down. I watched a mother walk in holding her bleeding child (gushing blood from her face) and I watched as she was told to sit down, they would get to her when they could. The triage nurse came out to the waiting area and told me it was my turn. I looked at her like she was nuts and said that the girl gushing blood from her face could go first. Not long after, a man came limping in with a leg three times the size it should be. They did the same to him, and I again let him go first. Finally, a hysterical woman walked in with a tiny little baby, and to my horror, they told her to have a seat and wait without even asking what was wrong....it was at this point I looked at the nurse and said simply, this is an ER, not a ticket booth. First come, first served should not apply. This was the worst er I have ever been to, and I would rather drive three hours to another hospital than to go back there.