basically, yes this place is CHEAP! BUT, not at the expense of a pet! we took our 6 year old dog there for respiratory difficulties & he had lost about 30lbs very fast. all they kept doing was xrays and lab work, the SAME lab work mind you. you only do the same lab work with treatment or monitoring which neither were being done because there was never a diagnosis. they put him on antibiotics twice when his WBCs were not elevated enough to consider an infection (in which he never got better after both rounds of antibiotics). after a month and a half of being toyed around by a facility that never even CALLED us to tell us our results from the pointless blood work, we seeked a second opinion, but it was too late. after seeing a different vet, he noted the xrays looked as if there was water or air around his lungs. one of the several vets at randall rd animal hospital said it COULD be an infection or it COULD be nothing... REALLY? THE DOG COULD BARELY BREATHE!!! in addition, the second opinion told us he couldnt go any further because he didnt have the proper equipment to help diagnosis. we were referred to a facility that had an ultrasound and MRI machine. to make matters worse, the vet at randall road NEVER PHYSICALLY EXAMINED MY DOG! he never once palpated his abdomen or chest. he never once put a stethoscope to anywhere on his body. im sorry but how are you supposed to exam why his breathing is as bad as it is if you dont know what his lung sounds are?! unfortunately, our dog passed away yesterday at home. we arent sure why he passed but definitely know the end result could have been different if treated properly. we will never be sending any references or any of our pets EVER again to this facility & they will never hear a reference from us.