I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all the support you and your staff gave us during the time many of the crew members were away from home. It did not matter how tired they were, but they always tried to be attentive and take care of the small things. I know they worked longer hours than many of us, but the little extras you and your staff did really made everyone look forward to our meals from Ranch. The special request and extra side dishes (home made beans and tortillas) made the guys feel at home and toward the end it was almost hard to get rid of them. They all said they never eat that good at home.
I know the logistics of feeding so many people at once was a huge task, but your staff seemed to step up and shine.
Special thanks to Julie, Marah, Maribel and Jocelyn.
Thanks again,
Pete Provencio
San Diego Gas & Electric Design Analyst