Process started out simple enough for a USDA loan. We hit a lot of speed bumps and road blocks, but tried to push forward. Ultimately what drove us away was our loan processor assuming we wouldn't have funds to close and instead of asking us directly, put our real estate agent up to seeing if we were ok with the seller being asked to pay $4000 in closing costs. When I confronted our loan officer as to why nothing had been said to us, his reply was they had our bank information so "why ask a question we know the answer to?"
when IF we had been asked, the answer would have been that we actually WOULD have the funds from our tax refund. I told him we were using another lender and today I get an email basically saying we were denied their credit. Ummmm, no. We chose to go elsewhere because of assumptions and the closing costs with our new lender are a fraction of what they were asking for.