I went in May with my 11 year old to adopt a dog, and asked them to show me ONLY the ones that are children friendly. They showed us a dog that bonded with my son while we spent an hour in a room playing with it. I asked to confirm the dog is adoptable and they said it is...I wanted it immediately, but she gave me reasons why I can't such as they need to investigate and discuss whether my home is proper for the dog! I owned dogs and have the idea evironment for one...one week later, we went back and they said the dog wasn't child friendly and had issues mentally and can only go home with families who already have existing dogs!! My son was so heart broken and I was so furious...I blasted them in a letter that they NEVER had the intent to adopt out that dog and its cruel to let my son fall in love with it only to say no!! I felt, going out to buy a dog was a better experience than this shelter...I thought it was just me until I read all these reviews after the fact...