Why Choose an Independent Insurance Agent? Some people think it doesn't matter where they buy their personal home or auto insurance policy. This misconception could be costing them service, protection and money. Buying insurance is not like buying groceries. Insurance is an important safety net for your family, auto, home or business. Do not treat your insurance purchase lightly. There is a difference where you buy your insurance. Many people don't realize there are three places where they can purchase insurance protection. 1: Telephone Representatives or Direct Writers, who can offer you the insurance of one company, and only over the telephone with no human contact. 2: Captive Agents, who can sell you the insurance of only one home or auto insurance company. 3: Independent Insurance Agency, who represents eight insurance companies on average and can offer consumers the best possible combinations of price, coverage and service. We are a full service, independent agency. That means we have access to the products and services of multiple highly rated insurance companies. Each client has their own specific insurance needs. We provide coverage specifically designed to best cover your individual risks while also controlling your costs.. * Auto Insurance * Business Insurance * Disability Insurance * Free Registration Service * Group Health * Homeowners Insurance * Life Insurance * Long Term Care * Notary Public * Substandard Life Night Time Appointments Available!