I have been training here for about a little over a month. I only wish I could make class more often! The people I have met here are great and the instructors do a great job teaching Krav.\r
I decided to write this review because I read a few other reviews that were negative because the person writing the review disagreed with the social/ political beliefs of an instructor that I have personally never met. I am not going to go into detail because I don't feel that this person(s) addressed the training and core aspect of this gym. TO ME this gym is great because they do a great job of training you in realistic self defense and I have never once been to a class were anything even remotely political or social was discussed or brought up in the course of class/ training.\r
I am an honorably discharged Marine Combat Veteran and I can honestly say that I have learned more about self defense (WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO SUFFER THROUGH SOMEONE, i.e. AN INSTRUCTOR, ELSE'S POLITICAL OR SOCIAL VIEWS DURING CLASS) than I did in all four years of my Marine Corps Enlistment. I realize and agree that finding a gym where ""you"" feel respected and appreciated is very, very important, but in my experience all of the instructors and students here have been ABSOLUTELY PROFESSIONAL, COURTEOUS, AND KNOWLEDGEABLE! I recommend this place to ANYONE, regardless of their political, social, religious, or sexual orientation; SO LONG AS YOU CHECK YOUR OPINIONS AND EGO AT THE DOOR! Remember people are coming here to learn HOW TO FIGHT EFFECTIVELY, NOT CATER TOO YOUR WORLDVIEW! if you can't handle that shut up and don't come; otherwise I can't tell you adequately in words just how happy you will be with all aspects of this place and the people who come here to train.\r