Hear what our customer's are saying:\r
Rainer Painting did excellent work, and even better they got it done quickly! I would use their services again in the future. Mark N. Cinnaminson, NJ\r
The faux finish the owner recommended for my home and that was applied to my walls is great and complements the rest of the house! The workers were very professional and very friendly and helpful. Julia R. Cinnaminson, NJ\r
The crew was great and polite and did a great job on my home. Mr. C. Mt Laurel, Nj\r
The paint job on my home looks great! Thank you Rainer Painting!!! Leah O. Collingswood, Nj\r
Joe?s crew did a fabulous paint job on my home, and were great with the clean up! Ruth F. Cherry Hill, Nj\r
Testimonials and references are always available, just ask us!\r
The paint job on my home looks great! Thank you Rainer Painting!!! Leah O. Collingswood, Nj\r
Joe?s crew did a fabulous paint job on my home, and were great with the clean up! Ruth F. Cherry Hill, Nj