I rented the movie bridge to tarabithia and when i watched the movie, it skipped almost 3 chapters. It was late at night so the next day, when i got home at night, i tried playing it in my daughters dvd player, thinking maybe my player was getting old and the dvd skipped again. As it was late at night and my only time to enjoy a movie was after work in the evening, and the store has the most horrible hours for a movie rental facility, i returned it the next day and let the clerk know it had skipped. about a month later i received a letter in the mail explaining i owed 6.00 in late fees. i called, explained what had happened and they flat out said they played the movie and it worked fine totally emplying that i was lying, i let her know that i have no reason to lie and she kept talking down to me. After insisting they take the late fees off of my account, they finally did but let me know if i did this again, they will make me pay the fees since i might be like everyone else and lye about the dvd not working. There is no way that i would ever rent from this broken down, so called video store again. I'm bring my buisness to blockbuster, which is sad because i love giving my buisness to small buisnesses but at least blockbuster wont call me a liar and their customer service is a little more up to par.
Pros: none
Cons: rude staff, no customer service.