My son went to one of the pre-school classrooms when he was a little bit over 3 ½ years old. It was a bad experience all together for my kid, and very stressing for the whole family. It was wrong in so many ways. It was crushing his spirit. \r
The whole experience was similar to an army drill operation. The classroom was cold and the teachers too. The classrooms are too big. The playground does not have green areas. The recesses are too short, and too few. \r
In the classroom everybody needed to be quiet all the time, with no interaction between the kids. All kids needed to have a ?personal space? to concentrate. There was not background music, and no laugh or group fun. Remember ?three years old?. There was no talk, no noise, no non-sense allowed.\r
There was some music during one of the circle times. It was ominous music that felt like an old Soviet Union march. In fact they did not dance but marched. \r
Some comments from the teacher: ?it would be easy to just put some silly