Crazy driver...
This morning one of the drivers for this company tried to run my vehicle off the road. We were in Elk Grove/Laguna by Sprouts and merging into his lane must have pissed him off (must not have seen the blinker). Next thing we know this piece of work has zoomed his truck in front of our minivan and slammed on his breaks while flipping us off. When we try to go around and take the next turn, he takes the turn in front of us and blocks the right lane by again slamming on his brakes. My hubby manuvered around him and the guy, who's woman was in the truck with him looking horrified, flips us off and is cussing like crazy. He looked like an absolute meth-head to me. Absolutely crazy guy. We called the company to complain and they could care less. We tried to file an incident report with EGPD, but it didn't qualify. We will be following up with the company and by posting reviews on the major websites. Any company that does not monitor (or care) how their drivers behave is beyond unprofessional, and I would not hire them for any reason whatsoever!