I went here to get my suit tailored. This is a cleaners, if you want a review for cleaning then disregard this. It was one of the more expensive options of the 4 I researched so I decided I could trust them. I gave them my coat to take the sleeves in about 2 inches. I then had to have my slacks taken in at the waist and shorted so I went back and they said that the waist was a little more difficult but they would take it in from the side and that I could get it back in a day or 2 and that if I didn't like it I could be refunded (he has disputed this). I then went back to get my coat, paid, went home and saw that what they had done was simply cut 2 inches off, buttons and all. I personally think that I could do better given the time, then I realized that I had given them my slacks and called what must have been 5 times over a 3 hour period to stop the alteration but then gave up. The next day I came in late and they said they hadn't finished them and I said that I didn't want them done, just to get them to me so I could use them. The man said okay, it will take 20 minutes. So I waited, ate something came back, waited some more then the man arrived after 45min -1h with my pants. They had altered them and they looked horrible. The legs were the right length but they took the waist in all at the back so that the rear pockets are now less than an inch apart. I complained but paid anyways (my immaturity) and left because I had to use them that day and was already late to an engagement. I came back a few days later and tried to either get my pants fixed so they didn't look horrible or get refunded. The only option I was given was that they would take the work out of the waist for free. At this point I took my pants back and contacted Visa to dispute the charge because my pants are now worse then they were before they were tailored. They advised me to take the pants to another tailor to get a second opinion, and I did; he said that the job was horrible and pointed out that they didn't even close the seams and left much of the stitching exposed. Also, to top things off, he said that they hadn't taken it in at all at the sides and showed me that the sides had the original thread even though the man had been adamant that he had taken them in at the sides. I will post again to tell you if I get refunded. One recommendation from the other tailor was to go to a tailor, not a cleaners. They don't know what they/their tailor are doing no matter how many years they have been in business.