These guys were dispatched for warranty service on a Frigidaire freezer. They didn't show for their first appointment. When they did finally come, they futzed around and got the freezer light to work, but did nothing to get the freezer to cool. I called back the same day, and was scheduled for a week(!!!) out. When the week came up (without any call to confirm that they were planning to come out for a service appt), I called the shop and was met with totally disinterested staff on the telephone. But they did confirm that they were supposed to have someone to my place that day.
Later in the day, I got a call back and was told ""We need to order a part and we won't get it for three days."" Absolutely amazing!!! I read them the riot act and told them that I was going to file a complaint with Lowes (from whom I bought the freezer and it was Lowes who initiated the service contract with Radio Hart.)
After reading Radio Hart the riot act, they called back later in the day to say that they had declared the unit unrepairable and submitted a claim on my behalf to Frigidaire. But they never filed the paperwork with Frigidaire. They gave me a case number with Frigidaire. When I called Frigidaire to check on the status of the claim, Frigidaire asked for a case number. I gave them the number that I got from Radio Hart and the folks at Frigidaire said ""That can't be correct. We use an 8-digit number."" The number I got from Radio Hart was a 7-digit number.
With a little persistence with Frigidaire, we were able to determine that Radio Hart had initiated a claim on our behalf, but had not submitted the required paperwork to document that the freezer was nonrepairable.
I called Lowes to get the local company who established the service contract with Radio Hart to bring some pressure to bear. Lowes made calls to Radio Hart and to Frigidaire and confirmed that the hold-up was with Radio Hart filing the necessary documentation. Lowes got a promise to file the paperwork the following day as well as a promise that Radio Hart was supposed to call all parties after the paperwork was filed to keep everyone informed about their compliance. If you had to take a guess at whether I received a call from these guys to let me know that they had filed the necessary paperwork, what do you think the answer would be?