I have a mental dossier of every produce market within a three-mile radius of my home, my school, and anywhere else I spend a sizable amount of time, and I'm generally pretty satisfied with the selection. But even though I'm rarely in the vicinity of Rachel's, I seek it out for its awesomeness. Varieties of fruits I've never even heard of -- in addition to the basics -- and for way cheaper than usual. If plums are $1.99 everywhere else, they'll be $1.50 at Rachel's. Apples (even Fujis and Pink Ladys) are regularly 99 cents a pound.
There's also a pretty cheap olive bar, and delicious pick-your-own-out-of-a-barrel pickles ... in both sour and half-sour! Like most markets in New York, the space is cramped and often crowded, but it's worth weaving through the aisles to check out the other cool stuff hiding there, like a powdered potato dumpling mix, and preserves made of things I didn't know anyone ever made preserves out of (basil, for example). It's almost enough to make me wish I lived in Williamsburg, which is not an easy thing to do.