I came to RPM on a whim, after I was unable to get into another shop that a colleague had recommended.
That one small whim has turned me into a customer for life!
As a woman I am always afraid that I'm being taken advantage of when it comes to major repairs. I am blessed to have friends who are mechanically inclined who can help me sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak. That said, everything that was presented to me by RPM was solid. They did not attempt to repair anything that was not the issue (which with a major cooling system issue, they easily could have) and treated me fairly from the start.
They explained everything to me in language that I understood, took me into the garage to show me what was leaking, even encouraged me to bring in my friend (a mechanic!) to look at it as well - both before and after repair (it was a unique leak/repair).
My problem was a complex one that stumped the dealership AND other mechanics outside of the RPM shop! But, they tracked it down and finally fixed a problem that had been getting progressively worse over several months (not to mention stumping more than one of my ""drive-way mechanic"" friends!)
They stand behind there work 100%. The parts are all warranted and they honor that warranty with ZERO out of pocket up front expense required (tow to the garage, rental car, labor and replacement on warranted parts are 100% covered).
The bottom line: If you want a *quality* repair done by an *honest* technician GO TO RPM Automotive (on Atlantic, just before the ICW!