Buying a home is one of the biggest investments that people make in their lifetime. It is important that home buyers have someone knowledgeable and trustworthy to inspect their future home and provide them with an unbiased and practical assessment of what you, the home buyer, are purchasing. I started this company to take my experience and apply it directly to you and your family’s home purchase. My background includes working in a variety of different industrial, commercial, and residential construction fields. I have a background in Surveying, Civil Engineering, Project Management, Gas Pipeline Inspection, Welding, Carpentry, Plumbing, High Voltage electric to name a few. My experience comes from years of working in the utility field as a surveyor, field inspector, project manager, and draftsman. I work every day with carpenters, plumbers, laborers, welders, pipefitters, laborers, and electricians and most other trades while working on industrial and infrastructure projects. I have worked With Most Governing Agencies such as MTA, Con Ed, ECS, NYC DEP, DOT, State Department, Highways, Bridges and Tunnels just to name a few.