R & R Painting has been in the painting business since 1977. Our quality, craftsmanship, and customer service are what set R & R Painting above and beyond our competition. Our "Total Customer Care" philosophy has earned us a reputation as the Lake Norman and Metro Charlotte area's foremost residential and commercial paint specialist.
Our services include Painting, Interior Painting, Exterior Painting, House Painting, Commercial Painting, Wallpaper Removal, Drywall Repair, Pressure Washing, Deck Maintenance, and Light Carpentry.
We serve Mooresville, Huntersville, Mount Holly, Cornelius, Denver, Davidson, Troutman, Iron Station, Sherrills Ford, and Terrell, NC.
. Interior and Exterior
Painting and Staining,Dry Wall Repair and Wood Replacement,Deck Restoration,Power
washing,Driveways,epoxy garage floors