Dr. Kevin Ballard, of Quincy Audiology received his Clinical Doctorate from the Pennsylvainia College of Optometry, School of Audiology.
He is a Fellow of The American Academy of Audiology (AAA) and holds Board Certification through the American Board of Audiology. Dr. Ballard has extensive training and skill to evaluate and treat infants, children and adults and will present a variety of treatment options to patients with hearing and balance (vestibular) impairment.
Audiological Services Include:
•Diagnostic Audiological Evaluations
•Selection, Fitting and Dispensing of Hearing Aids
•Hearing Aid Repairs and Maintenance
•Assistive Communication Devices
•Counseling and Hearing Education
•Auditory Rehabilitation Classes
•Ear Molds, Swim Plugs, and Hearing Protection Devices
Specialized Hearing Tests Include:
•Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR, Stacked ABR, Auditory Steady-State Evoked Response)
These tests (also referred to as BAER testing) are used to evaluate the function of the auditory nerve from the cochlea, or inner-ear and along the brainstem. It is used determine both hearing sensitivity and to identify possible auditory nerve disorders.
•Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) Testing
OAE?s are responses the cochlea emits when it detects incoming sounds. This is a very convenient test for infants who cannot volunteer responses in the sound booth.
•Videonystagmography (VNG) / Electronystagmography (ENG)
VNG and ENG consist of a series of tests to assist in diagnosing dizziness, imbalance, and vertigo. Computerized analysis of eye movements related to inner- ear vestibular function provide vital information for determining appropriate management.
•Canalith Repositioning Procedure (CRP)
CRP is used to provide relief from dizziness or vertigo associated with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). CRP consists of a controlled series of head movements that reposition tiny particles in the inner-ear, restoring proper functioning of the balance and vestibular system.
•Electrocochleography (ECOG)
ECochG is a test used to evaluate the function of the cochlea of the inner-ear and assists in the identifict ion of Meniere's disease, a progressively debilitating disease causing hearing loss, severe tinnitus and vertigo.. Behind Ear Hearing Aids|Bone Anchored Hearing Aids|Digital Hearing Aids|In Ear Hearing Aids