I went to Dr. Quigless for several years. Positives include very nice and competent dental assistants whom I usually dealt with. Besides one cavity, the only time I saw Dr. Quigless was for a brief check in during my visits. The cleanings and dental care was comparable to other dentists I had used over the years.
All of the negatives around Dr. Quigless revolve around his billing practices. First, let me state that I have very good dental insurance. Regardless, anywhere I have received any type of health care, the staff has been able to tell me, during my visit, what was not covered and what I would have to pay out of pocket. This was not the case at Dr. Quigless' office. Every visit, I would receive an additional bill in the mail following my visit. Initially, I was understanding. Although I typically just went in for a cleaning, I would do an extra cleaning every year. I thought this may cause some initial confusion.
After two years of this, I thought it was just lazy billing practices. If I had to call in, I would pay my balance. If not, I would simply pay it on my next visit, which was four months after my last. I felt this an adequate response when my billing couldn't be provided on my visit.
That changed when I had to postpone a visit for a cleaning because of being sick. A week later, I received a letter, signed by Dr. Quigless, stating that if I did not pay my balance that it would be sent to a collection agency. His wording was unprofessional as it stated that he ""didn't understand my attitude"". I was amazed, having never spoken with him or anyone else in his office about the billing. I had never been anything but pleasant to him and his staff. I found, after speaking with my sister, who had recommended Dr. Quigless, that she had left, also being wary of his additional billing.
I immediately payed my bill and cancelled my rescheduled appointment. While the dental care is good, the billing practices are questionable at best.