HRA in Queens Northern Blv. is the worst undermanaged social service organization run by the city of New York. Their employees treat people worse than animals because they believe that they have their lives in their hands. For an organization that is supposed to be about human administration and services to the people it is quite damage because of the employees they have\r
There is one girl with red highlight is quite evil, I asked her name and she just told me bettcha (what name is this) today she was in cubicle # 3. Waited three hours to get answers and the only she did was to print a budget letter, no explanations, she is arrogant, malicious, cynical, mocking, and unprofessional with clients. She spent most of her afternoon texting on her phone and pretending she was working while chatting with security guards. The room was full with people. She does not belong there. Commissioner and Mayor Bloomberg , HRA needs to be revamped, you need to clean house and bring standards and professionalism to this organization. HRA is not a human resources administration it is a joke and brings shame to the city of NYC and its residents. \r