Two generations of our cats have boarded at Pussy's Port O' Call, owned by Richard & Peggy Wilson--it's the best possible care your cat could have. The 'kitty condos' are spacious, two levels, with access to a screened 'outside' area. Air circulation is 'positive' to inhibit transmission of anything catching--although all boarders must have up-to-date shots and veterinarian information. Cats are rotated out of their condos and into the common areas for 'playtime' on a larger scale. Special diets are accommodated, and most of all, your cat is safe, clean, and very well attended. Because Northport has no animal shelter, the Wilsons often take in foundlings--our two cats were once orphans that they had taken in. Fees are low-- $23/day for our two cats in a shared condo, with a reduced weekly rate. Several of the Wilson's cats greet newcomers in the front office--the atmosphere couldn't be more congenial for either cats or people. No computers (yet), so call for an appointment.