I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :( I passed by and there was nothing there but a lease sign. I'm so sad. :(