Association Management: Immediate service when a member calls, Architectural control that works, Budgets that are kept, Accurate medium and long range planning, Fewer annual dues increases, Basic legal work done in house, Collection procedures that produce results, Proactive board meeting attendance. Rental Property Management: Comprehensive tenant screenings, Regular inspections, Highest return on investment. Since most management companies can capably handle basic administrative duties, what sets us apart? We understand people, and the types of communication and teamwork necessary to keep harmony with the Board and with the community. For example, we are proactive and attend most meetings. We put reports in a simple, easy to read format so that any Board member, regardless of his or her level of experience with financial reports, will be able to read and understand the information. With so many management companies, what sets us apart? We believe we think and act the same way you probably would, by keeping your property looking its very best while maximizing the amount of money that goes into your pocket. In short, we become a team.. ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT (CONDOS,HOMEOWNERS & RENTAL PROPERTY): Immediate service when a member calls Architectural control that works Budgets that are kept Accurate long range planning Fewer annual dues increases Basic legal work done Collection procedures that produce results Proactive board meeting attendance PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: Rental Property Management Comprehensive tenant screenings Regular inspections Highest return on investment