Sad to say it but, this is the typical business you run in to nowadays. Charges way too much for what they do and who knows, they probably don't even do all of the work they say they do. We will never know because it is painted over. Asks the insurance company who represents the persons at fault for damage to your vehicle for WAY too much money. This causes a debate of payment between the insurance companies. This leads to a lack of payment which comes out your OWN POCKET or you simply don't get your vehicle. MY understanding was that someone wrecks into your car, police say it is 100% their fault, their insurance pays for it all to be fixed. Sounds logical, right? Apparently not to Professional Auto Body. Even their name is misleading. Avoid this business, look for a shop that is not corrupted with greed and only does what they are supposed to do, which is fix the specific damage done by the negligent part. I say again, AVOID THIS BUSINESS!!!