This place is extremely outdated and I when I went there was very unclean. My experience was absolutely miserable. The admin staff were very distracted and when I walked in one of the nurses was in the lobby watching TV.
I went in with suspected Mono and the response I got from the doctor was "Ok, then why are you here? You know its un-treatable right?" I had to reason with him just to get him to run a basic mono test. It was like pulling teeth just to get him to diagnose me. Yeah i know its untreatable but I'm also not a doctor and the least you can do is a basic diagnosis to see if its something else as well. He was the most unsympathetic, least passionate doctor I have ever encountered. He didn't offer a single bit of advice, not even the basics like "Drink fluids, don't exert yourself, get rest" nothing.
At this point I was already extremely dissatisfied but to top it off they made a glaring, blatant mistake that completely violated HIPAA laws and violated another patients privacy to the point that I have already filed an official hipaa violation complaint with the Office for Civil Rights. They gave me paperwork for another patient that included their Social security number, home address, telephone number, date of birth, and treatment that they received at the clinic. They didn't even notice until I had to drive back there to return it and get my correct information. This is due to the complete and utter negligence and carelessness of the office staff.
In summary the physician was the worst I've ever had, the office staff were unprofessional and extremely negligent and the clinic is old, outdated and clean. I highly recommend finding another minor emergency clinic.