This by far, is the worst Indian Restaurant in the country. The wait staff is terrible and the manager needs a brain exam and a lesson in basic manners. There is one waitress taking care of the 25 to 30 tables they have in the restaurant, along with one assistant who does not know what time of the day it is. The manager/ receptionist greets you , seats you, gives you water ( when she feels like it, if at all), cleans the tables and brings you drinks. The waitress, who lookes like is she is the harrassed mother of 10, barks out "" what do you want for dinner?"". The average price in this restaurant are between $13-$17 / entree and the waitress acts like it is a roadside diner. Takes your order and brings all your food out together along with a take away box and check. I think the local Dennys have more class than this place. There is not chance for you to order another drink, bread, dessert or coffee... something which most couples like to do when they are dining outside on a Sat night!!
Pros: none- food not worth writting about
Cons: bad service, 1 waiter for 25 tables.... 1 assistant!!, poor ambience- disgusting odour, bad attitude from the receptionist to the owner!