Prince of Peace Lutheran is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Through inspired worship, lifelong education and spiritual growth we reach out in world and action to our community with the present call and eternal promise of Jesus Christ.. Traditional Service:
Our services include certain Sundays which feature the historic beauty of the Lutheran liturgy,whose roots reach back to the first century. Each portion drawn form holy scripture and expresses the soul's need for God in the ancient,yet ever relevant,tradition of the church.
On other Sundays,our worship reflects the praise and joy of contemporary music styles. Using a variety of instruments,we combine the best of current and traditional segments of our liturgy. These services are led,in part,by our contemporary worship team.
Children's Sermon:
Each Sunday,a children's message is presented for children for all ages. Special children's bulletins are also available to entertain and educate the little children in church. We invite and encourage everyone to worship together as a family.
Advent & Christmas:
On the three Wednesday proceeding Christmas,our midweek worship calls people to the theme of "waiting" for the return of Chris t. Each year,different forms used,utilizing drama,special music and hymns. Each service is followed by a time of fellowship.
Lent & Easter:
On the six Wednesday leading up to Easter,a somber and reflective mood prevails as our midweek worship gives way to the repentant nature of the service is preceded by a simple Soup Supper for fellowship and fait-building.