What does our family love about Primrose Schools? Everything! Our daughter doesn't go to Primrose Schools...she thrives there. Our daughter started attending Primrose when she was two years old and she's been loving it ever since. What we love most about Primrose is that our daughter loves Primrose. Each day is filled with new adventures including art and music, cooperating with others, social skills, academics, and creative play. She loves to learn and, thanks to Primrose, she brings that love home each day in the form of proudly posted art projects, new vocabulary to share at the dinner table, and memories that bring a smile to her face and ours. As we watch our daughter grow each and every day we are delighted in her passion for life and learning and we know that we couldn't have instilled that in her alone. We are proud that we are part of the Primrose family and we can't imagine our lives without the deep impact that so many special educators and staff members have had along the way. It is really true that Primrose had us at ""Hello."" From the moment that franchise owner Rachele Rank welcomed us on our introductory tour, we could tell that Primrose School of Springs Ranch would be the perfect choice for our family. And as we compared the competition, it became clear that there was no competition at all: Primrose was the only choice. Between the Primrose Balanced Learning Program and Rachele's passion for children, it seemed that something very special was going on at Primrose Schools. Two years later, the staff at Primrose is a tribute to the passion that was felt so unmistakably on day one; each staff member demonstrating a dedication to children and a commitment to honoring the trust that we put in them daily. Our daughter is now a proud pre-kindergartener at Primrose and her little brother is months away from beginning his own Primrose journey as well. Words can't possibly express how grateful we are to know the impact that Primrose Schools will play in their lifelong learning.