I had the chance to visit this spa recently. I was very unhappy about several aspects. Lunch was included, but they had no menus, list of restaurants or anything. I was asked what I wanted from a local restaurant (worded that way). I didn't know any restaurants so I was asked "do you like chicken? We have a chicken thing". I was invited into a treatment room and then was left there for over 15 minutes while I heard the staff talking about their personal affairs. I felt I was at the doctor's office, wondering if I was forgotten. Normally a staff person asks if you have anything you would like addressed or any health problems. This was not asked at the beginning and I found that strange. The person doing my facial seemed very under-prepared. Often she would open every drawer looking for something and then leave the room to get the item. This happened every 5 - 7 minutes and sometimes she was gone for minutes. She wore heels, so every time I got comfortable, she walked out with her heels clicking and my mind was brought back to the business world again. Most places, when a product needs time to sit, the staff massages arms or something to pass the time. I was left alone, listening to everyone urinate in the bathroom next to the treatment room. I then had a body wrap done and the staff person couldn't remember how to do it or what position she wanted me in. When I asked if she was new, she replied that she has been in business for 20 years and she was the owner of the spa. The body wrap gel product was so hot it burned me. I immediately reacted to it and she assured me that it wasn't hot. When she stuck her finger in it to test, she agreed it was too hot. My massage with a different staff member was awesome and I loved it. That person asked about trouble areas and health issues, like normal at every other spa I've been to. Then the owner saw me again for the pedicure and offered me tea. She didn't know what teas she had or how to make it and had to ask me. Then when I went to pay, she overcharged me. There are no prices anywhere in the establishment, so I was going off memory from the website. I thought I just had it wrong and didn't say anything, but I checked online when I got home. My gift certificate should have covered the cost and I ended up paying additional with all the cash I had on hand. The only reason I gave Primrose Country Day Spa 2 stars is because I did get everything expected and the other staff member was awesome.