Sad and disgraceful. I'm horrified with this grocery store. When you first enter you will see how dirty and trashy this facility is. Restrooms are only clean with a rag soaked in bucket water. Frozen food bottom shelves are never cleaned. Broken tile in a couple of the isles (Too cheap to maintain). Employees smoke right by the front door with no regards for respect. I once saw a customer loose control of his cart right in front of an employee, instead of the unoccupied employee on break help this older man catch his cart he let it roll right pass him into another customers vehicle and then laughed I felt sorry for the older man and talked with him for a bit. They never recycle the plastic bags in the recycle bin at the main entrance. One of the supervisors named Mrs. Joy has the stuck-up attitude she treats all customers and employees with DISRESPECT!. I once saw her take items off the shelves without paying and used it for her own use. She is scared of her employees, I would not recommend Mrs. Joy in the position of manager, because she exhibits bad examples to her employees, treats customers with respect, and has no moral values. I'm greatly and completely upset at this grocery store I attend in my community!
Pros: Burgerking close by (Yes Im Hungry LOL)
Cons: Sadly Everything :(