After forty plus years at Price Chopper, I am done unless they bring back grocery bags and baggers. My experience today was a disaster. A supervisor told me that she was out of grocery bags. How is that possible? Rather than packing my groceries, the cashier shoved my groceries into plastic bags. I had bought an expensive gourmet cake with custom writing. He shoved heavy items on top of the cake and crushed it. I watched several people who pulled roasting chickens out of the refrigerator case, and all the chickens were leaking. I too bought a roaster chicken, and it leaked raw chicken fluids all over the checkout counter. The cashier wiped up some of the raw chicken leakage, and he then used his unprotected and unwashed hands to handle other people's food. I also bought some crab cakes prepackaged in plastic wrap. By the time that I got home, the crab cakes had been smashed and they were out of the plastic. Frustrating! Should be reported to DOH, FDA, OSHA, etc.?