I moved into this park in 09. Since then, the property has been juggled twice for ownership, now on its third leg after receiving a notice in the door say that General Electric Credit Equities was going to buy the property. Heresay of forced vacancies are flooding the park. There are child offenders in the park. There is also an alarming amount of drug trafficking going on, revolving doors if you will. I joined the neighbor hood watch within the first week of being there to better understand what was going on in my community. There was a multiple sex offender living next to me as I learned, who was charged yet again within the first two months of my residency there. The property was built on an old landfill, when I tried to set up a garden, less than a foot down I was pulling up broken glass bottles, porcelain, anything you can imagine actually. The water is shut off inconsistently and without notice. Also the taste of the water leaves much to be desired. After testing multiple times with expensive ph measuring equipment, I found that the average was 8.5-9.5, it peaked around 10 after the water had been turned back on the last time, for those that aren't familiar with PH, I've included this helpful link www.freedrinkingwater . com/water-education/quality-water-ph.htm . 20 percent of the residents have moved out since I've arrived. As you come into the park, it doesn't seem too shabby, but when you get to the shaded areas, you start to see a difference. There needs to be park security, not just a NH watch. citizens arrest and wrist slaps only go so far. Thats my piece, I hope it was helpful. My opinion is not biased, I'm not friends with the new manager, Rich, nor do I have any ill feelings towards the park employees, these are just my observations as a tenant.