I filled out a basic interest form on their website in order to scope out available used cars (I did this while web surfing at about 1 am). Within the next 24 hours I received about 4 different emails from their office, none of which I has time to fully read and respond to since I was at work. At 10:30 pm (still within 24 hours of the original contact) I got the following email:
Listen, you?re the one who contacted us?okay? So don?t be rude and hang up on me. That?s rude and immature and for you to hang up on me like that is really unacceptable behavior for an adult. This isn?t some random sales call. Like I said, YOU?RE THE ONE WHO ASKED FOR INFO. So do yourself a favor, and if you aren?t looking for help with information on a car then DON?T PUT YOUR NUMBER ONLINE ASKING FOR HELP.
This should all go without saying?it?s pretty lame to be treated with such disregard and disrespect as you have shown me. Good day and goodbye!
Ryan Ando
Premier Auto
Internet Manager
(All the capital letters are as they appeared in the email) I received NO phone calls prior to this ridiculous email. And its not like I was asking for a medical quote or anything here, I was surfing for a used Hyundai at 1 am.
These people are psycho and will stalk you. Don't even think about buying a car from them!!!
Pros: nothing
Cons: the Manager is NUTS!