Keep your original finish, preserved, my repairs eliminate diminished value making your vehicle worth more at the time of sale or trade-in. Same Day service, Free Estimates, You will be amazed at how little it cost to make your car look new again. Insurance Approved, insurance professionals trust and recommend PPDR for their customers because the cost of my high quality repairs is usually less that deductibles. We Specializing in Hail Damage. Unfortunately, the devastation of a hailstorm is unforeseen. Now you have choices in having your vehicles repaired, Traditional Body Shop Work, or Paintless Dent Repair. PPDR is an art. Removing dozens or hundreds of dents from a flat panel, hood, roof, or deck is demanding work. Years, not weeks, of training and experience are necessary to be a competent hail technician. A technician unfamiliar with hail repair will be forced to take shortcuts or GUESS at the best way to access the many difficult repair areas In our travels, we have seen veh icles repaired by technicians making their first attempts at full time hail repair hurt their customer s vehicles look and value. PPDR is an experienced HAIL DAMAGE REPAIR EXPERT and has done hundreds of hail damaged cars at half the cost of body shops. Call me today, I have over 20 years experience, and see the Visual Difference.