I have suffered with back pain for over 20 years. It started as only a minor thing, once in a while I'd over-do and then be sore for a couple days. Then it progressed to pulling something bad enough that I had to go to my family practitioner and get an adjustment. Then in 2003, I fell down our stairs and landed flat on my back on concrete. It didn't affect me then, but my spasms became a one a year occurrence. Over the last 3 years, they have been happening even more often. On Saturday, September 26, 2009, I was invited to the part of a very dear friend that I hadn't seen for 8 years. At that party, my husband and I were introduced to George and Tammy Postlethwaite. My husband Rob does printing, and as George needed some work done, the two of them made a plan to talk the next week. Later that night after the party I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I had bent over to open a drawer and I experienced the most painful spasm in my lower back that I had ever felt. I couldn't lift my legs to walk, I had to shuffle my feet to the couch in the living room where I stayed for 3 days. On Monday, I went to my family practitioner and demanded an X-ray. I wanted to know what was going on with my back. My doctors office called that night and said that my X-rays came back normal. I was so frustrated. The next morning my husband called me and told me he had spoken with George regarding some printing and that he had told him about my situation. He urged me to call him. I did. George got me in that afternoon. He have me a full examination, asking questions as he went. He was very professional, and very focused o me. I received my first adjustment that day. Although my pain was still very great, I felt some relief. I had never felt any relief after and adjustment before. George ordered copies of my X-rays and showed them to me. I was shocked at what I saw. Now after 2 months of steady therapy with Dr. George, he took new X-rays, and I have shown at least 50% improvement. I am learning what my physical limits are, and how to read when my body has had enough. I had reached a point where I thought that this was just the way things had to be for me, that nothing could be done. Dr. George has been the answer to my prayers. I am looking towards a full recovery. Dr. George not only helps me, but he teaches me what I can do to help myself. He truly cares about his clients. I highly recommend Dr. George to anyone who is looking for some answers, and relief from their pain.