Posterworks Gallery has been providing quality custom framing at reasonable prices for over 20 years. Our concept is simple, yet unique, you can select from over 5000 fine art prints in our showroom, then select from the largest selection of frames and mats to create a special work of art that works for your style. Or you can bring your items of art to take advantage of the largest selection of mats and frames in the Midwest.
Our custom framing design center is the state of art with Frame Vue.
We offer the following services for home or business :
-bring in your fine art prints,lithographs/oils
-frame photos,kids drawings,needlework
-experts at jerseys,sports items
-experts at conservation framing
-free conservation consult on your art
-mirrors framed to your design
-we can cut mats while you wait
-photo restorations
-display cases
-remat your artwork to update look
-fit new artwork in old frames
-glass repairs
-free consultation on reframing items
-art design selection
-quality custom framing at reasonable prices since 1989
Custom Framing Design Center
Bring in your artwork: prints, posters, oils, needlework, etc
We frame everything you want framed
Sports jerseys, photos, collages, degrees, kids art, etc
Great design requires a great selection of frames & mats
We have the largest selection of frames & mats in the midwest.
See it your artwork custom framed on screen before you buy
Custom mirrors just give us the size you need & choose a frame
We offer complete Corporate Services as follows:
Art selection
Frame selection
Display systems
Reframe/remat existing items
Glass repairs
Corporate Awards
Small jobs or big jobs we can get it done!