Occasionally, customers may forget to pick up their garments and leave them with us for an extended period. We understand that sometimes folks get busy and may not return to pick up their items for possibly up to several weeks, but in rare cases such as below, items are left with us for many months and even more than a year.\r
Our practice at Poinsett Cleaners is to retain garments for as long as possible and repeatedly attempt to contact owners of garments that have not been picked up. Aside from the occasional instance in which a customer has moved away or is unfortunately deceased, we are typically successful in reuniting customers with their garments.\r
Although storage space in our production facility and stores is limited for long-term storage, only after a very extended period of time and multiple unsuccessful attempts to contact the owner would we consider the final alternative of donating an abandoned item to a worthy charitable cause.\r
When dropping off your items for the first time, our customer service associates will ask you for your phone number. We sometimes find that customers are reluctant to provide their phone numbers; however, it is very important that we have a means of contacting you in case there is a question regarding the processing of your garments or in the event of an aging order.\r
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you.