Stay away from this bank. They can really ruin your life!
I had purchased/financed a used vehicle and they botched up the paperwork so badly that the manufacturer will not release the title, but they established the loan and still hold me responsible. I cannot drive or license my $33k car due to PNC's horrendous handling of the title work. And they are still holding me to the loan. It's been two months and no sight of a resolution. The manufacturer got their pay-off and they consider the car still owned by the prior owner, who is unreachable.
They are destroying my (once 811 score) credit... costing me thousands... and basically ruining my life. I'm so sick from this I cannot stand it. Attorney fees will be through the roof. This started with the PNC Branch on Henderson in Columbus, OH.. and has progressed to their upper tier loan centers with no resolution (all of PNC has been useless in trying to resolve this). Henderson Road, Columbus is horribly managed (well all of it is). And this after being an excellent customer with a prior vehicle.
PNC is heartless and will not resolve this. They simply say, ""sorry"". So, please find another institution to finance through and save yourself the pain. These people are thieves!