This is hard, because I liked the dentist personally; but his work was actually negligent. I got a crown put on here, but the dentist chatted with some salesman about 80% of the time he was working on my tooth. I really dind't like that, but figured he was paying enough attention. Turns out, he wasn't. 6 months later my $800 crown gets loose and falls out. \r
Was I going to go back to the guy that screwed up my tooth to have him fix it? NO! A crown should last 10 years, not 6 months. I searched out and found a great dentist 70 miles away, but it was worth it to have the tooth fixed. The good dentist also noted how negligent dentist ground my tooth down so far there was almost nothing left to work with. \r
Crown #2 has lasted over a year and a half with no problem. The other crown, when it came loose made my tooth hurt for months until I found a dentist I trusted. I pulled my whole family from this dentist. \r
Dentists are a dime a dozen in this area--go find a good one, not one who puts business buddies or salesmen before patients! As much as I liked this guy personally, I have to say his work turned out bad, and it cost me a lot of money to get it fixed the 2nd time; insurance would not pay because I'd already had the tooth ""fixed"" in their accounting. I didn't hire a lawyer, but I have thought about it. I'd like to give the dentist a chance to cover the cost of my travel and toothwork rather than sick a lawyer on him. We'll see how it goes.