I took a whole, very full, laundry bASket of nice clothing in there to sell. they kept three things!!! and gave me nine dollars!!! telling me that the other stuff was either too old, had stains, or was not name brands that they wanted!!! Well, everything in that basket was less than two years at the very least, and very seldom worn. the most "non-name-brand" things that were in there were target and rue 21. And those are the ONLY things that they kept!!!! i was quite shocked. it will sell my very nice stuff elsewhere!!!lol Beyond all that the selection was pretty good, i found a couple of brand new things that i loved, and bought! i was shocked though to find some stained and outdated things on the shelf, seeing that they wouldn't take my things!!! anyway, in conclusion, i think i may go back there to shop again, but NEVER will try to sell anything there ever again, the staff wasn't too friendly!!