This is one of the best community schools in the Pittsburgh Public School District. All of the students walk to school, so this saves on busing. The enrollment is between 80 and 90 children in grades kindergarten thru 5th grade. The school is situated on a quiet street in the Bon Air section of the city. There is a play ground across the street. The school also it accessible from the trolley located about a block and a half behind the school. Most of the teachers give 100 percent to teaching at this school. They even spend free time helping to tutor students after school. They assist in after school actives too. They have a yearbook club. There is a pto that organizes actives for the student's all year. They hold a noodle night every year to invite the community into the school and they serve a dinner. It is a shame that our new Superintendent of the Pittsburgh Public School District wants to shut this school down. All that it seems that he cares about is the numbers. This school is not a under preforming school either. He pervers to bus our children all over the city.