07/09/2012: Ron Pipers Put Illegal Vessel Id on my boat! I Hired Pipers Marine 01/09/2012 to do work on boat just purchased, included put Florida Registration Numbers on bow and registration properly. I provided Ron with legal lettering that met USCG guidelines, Instead, Ron Piper took it upon himself to put his letters and numbers on. For spending almost $1,000, he threw in putting decals on for free!
When I picked up boat 01/24/2012 was first notified he put his own on versus the legal ones I provided. I was boarded by Coast Guard, July 8, 2012 and told lettering was illegal. All vessel identification have to be block, like the ones I provided Ron to put on. Explained what Piper's had done and they were kind enough give me 30 days to rectify problem, or be fined. Coast Guard will be contacting me to verify this has been done or I receive the fine. I called and spoke with Ron Piper, July 9 2012 and was told by him "then you need to get those replaced don't you". I told him I wanted him to remove and put what I gave him on to start on it! He replied: "No, think I'll just give your money back you paid to have it done". His ego obviously could not handle he had made such a huge error. Bottom line, Ron Piper put illegal registration decal on my boat and should be held responsible! His arrogant, uncaring attitude is what is so upsetting!